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A women’s heart health crisis…and this is what you can do about it.

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death for women worldwide and in Canada.

Heart disease is also on the rise.   

But here’s the thing…until recently women’s heart disease has been under-diagnosed, under-treated, and under-researched.

Women can be at a greater risk of heart disease than men.

Heart attack symptoms are not recognized in over 50% of women.

The types of heart disease are different for women, too.  

Diseases like SCAD and Takotsubo syndrome are on the rise for women, yet many doctors are still looking for symptoms of coronary heart disease commonly found in men.

We can do so much together to help reduce the risk for women we care about, including ourselves.

Let's talk about under-diagnosed, under-treated, and under-researched women's heart diseases. Then let’s move knowledge into action.

You are helping to change a grim reality for countless women by learning about this critical issue today. Heart disease is largely preventable with changes to lifestyle including changes to healthy eating and physical activity.


By committing to this challenge, you are not only taking care of yourself, but you are investing in unparalleled women’s heart health programs, services, and research powered by the Canadian Women's Heart Health Centre (CWHHC), including national initiatives of the Canadian Women's Heart Health Alliance.


Your support means everything.  Thank you.

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